megabytes - определение. Что такое megabytes
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Что (кто) такое megabytes - определение

Mega byte; Mbyte; Megabytes; MegaByte; Mega Byte; Mega-byte; Mega-Byte; M-byte; ㎆; MegaBytes; Megabite; M,egabyte; MB (symbol); MB (computing); MByte
  • 1.44 MB [[floppy disk]]s can store 1,474,560 bytes of data. MB in this context means 1,000×1,024 bytes.

<unit> (MB, colloquially "meg") 2^20 = 1,048,576 bytes = 1024 kilobytes. 1024 megabytes are one gigabyte. The text of a six hundred page paperback book would require about a megabyte of ASCII storage. See prefix. (1997-03-26)
In computing, a megabyte is one million bytes of data.
The megabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. Its recommended unit symbol is MB.



The megabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. Its recommended unit symbol is MB. The unit prefix mega is a multiplier of 1000000 (106) in the International System of Units (SI). Therefore, one megabyte is one million bytes of information. This definition has been incorporated into the International System of Quantities.

In the computer and information technology fields, other definitions have been used that arose for historical reasons of convenience. A common usage has been to designate one megabyte as 1048576bytes (220 B), a quantity that conveniently expresses the binary architecture of digital computer memory. The standards bodies have deprecated this usage of the megabyte in favor of a new set of binary prefixes, in which this quantity is designated by the unit mebibyte (MiB).

Примеры употребления для megabytes
1. The Ditty, like the Shuffle, cost $'' at the time and included 512 megabytes of memory.
2. At that time, an "ultra high–density" floppy disk for personal computers then held 144 megabytes.
3. We only know how many megabytes was taken," the staff member said.
4. We can t just strap on another two megabytes of memory.
5. The Millennium Simulation – the biggest exercise of its kind – required 25 million megabytes of memory.